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ENOUGH is ENOUGH! This BATHROOM Deal is not to be tolerated in AMERICA! "WE THE PEOPLE" are KING in America, not our President! He works for us, and we need to HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE! Speak UP America! Pray that God use you, and FIGHT FOR THE FAITH! Use every means God has given you to make a STAND, and say NO!

The Sexual attack on American comes from only 2% of our country's population, PLUS Satan Himself. This is a SPIRITUAL ATTACK... with a Homosexual or Lesbian T-Shirt on! These are the same BULLYING tactics that Satan used in Genises 19 and Judges 19. I have news for you.... He is doing the same old things again in 2016, that he did back then. God over came the demonic power of SATAN then, and only GOD can change this situation in America! But you and I are His Holy representative in this foreign land! God has always used MEN and WOMEN to carry out His plans, LET HIM USE YOU NOW! Speak UP....and order this message, and share it with all.

May GOD Bless you and your efforts for the Lord,

Todd Hervey

Foundations For America

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