Host a "PRAY FOR AMERICA Service" in your AREA
PRAY FOR AMERICA SERVICES, all over America! YOU PICK THE DATE AND LOCATION! Foundations For America is encouraging churches across...
ENOUGH is ENOUGH! This BATHROOM Deal is not to be tolerated in AMERICA! "WE THE PEOPLE" are KING in America, not our President! He works...
What Is The Church's Responsibility In Response To GOVERNMENT?
CLICK ON PIC TO WATCH VIDEO! Everybody thinks the church is to shut up and mind their own business! What does the Bible and the US...
The CHURCH Must Speak Up and VOTE!
CLICK ON ATTACHED VIDEO! Primaries are critical. The CHURCH must speak up and VOTE! We have no right to complain if we don't speak our...
America Needs Answers! Video
I believe that the answers to what is going on in America, and what we need, are in the Bible. And that the answers should be coming from...
The Bible was the first textbook in public school systems in the USA!
WATCH VIDEO CLIP! When I found out that the bible was the first textbook in America, and it was in public schools for 300 years before we...
Islam is a Military and Political System
If other countries can fugure out that Islam is a Military and Political system with a Religious hat on, WHY CAN'T WE? It is a sad thing...
What Are The Real Questions America Wants To Here About?
What questions do you have about what is going on in America that we can help you with? We believe it is our mission to help people...