What Is Foundations For America?
Foundations For America is a national network ministry devoted to helping people “Rediscover Truth” in America. The truth of God’s Word, the truth about our Nation’s history, the truth for our lives, and the truth to live by each day. Todd Hervey is the founder of FFAmerica and serves as the Pastor of Circle J Cowboy Church in Texarkana, Arkansas and as a National Field Rep. for the American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches.
How was God involved in our history? And what does the Bible say the church is to be to be doing during troubled times such as this? All these questions are answered and more through Foundations For America.
Todd Hervey
Foundations For America

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Our country is going through great controversy today. Once we looked to God for answers, but today we are turning away from God instead.
What are we to do as Christians in American? How can we make a difference for the Lord? How does the Bible and the Constitution line up?